
1,Introduction to Level 1 Python

2 Strings and print statements

3 Math calculations and operators

4 Combining things in print statements

5 Comments and variable names

6 Turtle drawing basics

7 Introduction to variables

8 Numbers and variables

9 Debugging print statements

10 Review lessons 1-9

If Statements & Boolean

11 Introduction to selection

12 More selection options

13 Boolean values and operators

14 Matching strings

15 Numeric input in if statements

16 Formatting your code

17 Formatting using an index

18 Debugging if statements

19 Testing if statement conditions

20 Review lessons 11-19


Play with more turtle graphics while learning all about for and while loops – which enable us to do something multiple times in a program.

21 Introduction to for loops

22 Customizing for loops

23 Refactoring turtle graphic loops

24 Complex for loop example

25 Introduction to while loops

26 Alternate loop counters

27 Using break and continue

28 Testing for infinite loops

29 Debugging loops

30 Review lessons 21-29

Introduction to level 2 Python

2 Creating lists

3 Accessing list values

4 Adding and removing list values

5 Looping through lists

6 Changing the order of lists

7 List subsections

8 Debugging lists

9 Using 2D lists

10 Review lessons 1-10


11 Introduction to functions

12 Creating and running functions

13 Function parameters

14 Return values from functions

15 Turtle function arguments

16 Scope of variables

17 Reasons to use functions

18 Changing lists within functions

19 Testing functions

20 Review lessons 11-20


21 Introduction to dictionaries

22 Creating dictionaries

23 Accessing dictionary values

24 Looping through dictionaries

25 Adding and changing values

26 Debugging dictionaries

27 Dictionaries and functions

28 Testing and commenting code

29 Turtle dictionaries

30 Review lessons 21-30

Calculations & Variables

We’ll teach how to let users have a conversation with website, using prompts, variables and alerts.

1 Intro to lessons 2-10

2 Display messages with alert

3 Order of operation math rules

4 Basic math calculations

5 Store data with variables

6 Read error messages, fix mistakes

7 Move a robot to its goal

8 Ask questions with prompt

9 Joining strings and numbers with +

10 Review variable name rules

If Statements & Booleans

Get code to react differently to all sorts of situations by using Boolean values, confirm boxes and if statements.

11 Intro to lessons 12-20

12 Check user responses with if statements

13 true & false

14 The confirm command

15 if statement practice

16 Move 2 robots to their goal

17 The special value null

18 Read error messages, fix mistakes

19 Combining conditions with && and ||

20 Review terminology


1 If Statements Grid Challenge

2 If Statements Practice 1

3 Game Dev with If Statements

4 Eye Spy

While Loops

Using while loops to repeat certain parts of code can be very useful. Use loops to create a calculator and a quiz… but be careful not to write an infinite loop!

21 Intro to lessons 22-30

22 Repeat code with while loops

23 Loop a set number of times

24 While loops quiz

25 Fix infinite loops

26 Simplify code with while loops

27 While loop conditions

28 Weekly wage calculator

29 Create a math quiz

30 Review key concepts



1 Shotput Scoreboard

2 Boxing Scoreboard

3 Table Tennis Scoreboard

4 Weightlifting Scoreboard

5 Tennis Scoreboard



For loops & Testing

Learn about for loops and how to exit a loop early. After this module, you’ll know how to handle invalid user input to stop your programs from crashing.

31 Intro to lessons 32-40

32 Handle both valid and invalid user input

33 Using isNaN and Number functions

34 Create a BMI calculator

35 Making bad code good

36 Use break to exit loops

37 Learn to use for loops

38 Learn to understand for loops

39 Practice for and while loops

40 Review lessons 31-39


1 Game Graphics 1

2 Game Dev with Functions